Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Easter Bonnet

Last week I was asked by my mother in law to decorate and Easter bonnet for my husband's grandma. I gladly accepted.

Time does fly when you have a deadline and although I had grand plans unfortunately time did not permit me to fulfill them.

First I created a flower braid using a pattern from Liz Thornton & Jill Devons book The Beaders Floral. Then I added some individual flowers including a daffodil using the herringbone variation from the same book (if you can make it out in the centre of the picture below).

It was looking rather pretty but not very easter like, so I popped on some feathers, chicks and a bunny I quickly sewed together from the kids craft box. And my finished product was not quite what I hoped but my husband's grandma was satisfied.


Cherie said...

This is lovely. I organised an Easter bonnet parade last year and this has reminded me of what a smashing little event it was.

Sparklysis said...

Thanks I enjoyed making it. Its just a shame I didn't have a little more time